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A tevékenységi körökben szerepelnie kell a motor-vagy kerékpár forgalmazás illetve alkatrészei forgalmazásának

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Welcome to the partners of Moped 91 Kft.!

Please fill in the registration form and enjoy our various services! Please provide us with real information about your business to help our company, Moped 91 Ltd., to serve you to the best of our ability! The information you share with us will be treated confidentially and will be used for information purposes only, in the specifications of our new products, services, current products and the continuous development of our services. Moped 91 Ltd. will not disclose your information to any third party unless otherwise required by applicable law or court order. By authorising the processing of your data, you understand, accept and authorise Moped 91 Ltd to send newsletters, catalogues, advertisements and direct marketing communications in electronic and printed form to the addresses you provide at the time of registration (including e-mail address, telephone and fax numbers), unless you provide otherwise. If you wish to distribute motor oils and lubricants, please send us your operating licence by e-mail ( or fax (+36 24/492-201) and the completed declaration below, which you can download by clicking HERE.